UrbanMatters Development Partners L.L.C. is a full service real estate planning and development firm with specialized expertise in affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization. The principals of UrbanMatters have over 30 years of combined real estate development experience which includes the development and financing of large scale commercial, mixed use and planned unit developments, providing urban master planning services, designing and implementing neighborhood revitalization strategies for mixed- income homeownership and rental communities, and planning and implementing neighborhood business redevelopment. The guiding principal for UrbanMatters is to support the implementation of Washington Interfaith Network’s (WIN) Vote Neighborhood’s First Agenda for affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization in the District of Columbia. Over the next 5 years, UrbanMatters will work with leaders of WIN and the officials of the District of Columbia to produce 5,000 Nehemiah homeownership units affordable to households earning up to 60% of the area median income, 6,500 affordable rental units and 2,500 permanent supportive housing units for individuals and families. UrbanMatters will focus on the following lines of business: Lead developer for WIN sponsored developments, specifically projects that support the Vote Neighborhood First Agenda and revitalization opportunities within the District Neighborhood Investment Fund (NIF) target areas; Development consulting services to WIN member institutions seeking to unlock the potential of underutilized property or develop affordable housing on their own; Provide third party development partners with affordable housing expertise, community partnerships and the financial resources necessary to implement District based public/private partnerships.
Company Headquarters
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1226 Vermont Avenue NW Suite 200
Year Established
Main Phone
(202) 448-0184
Parent Company
TNG Management LLC
Local Business Enterprise
Small Business Enterprise
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