The Adams Morgan Streetscape Project includes the 18th Street corridor from Florida Avenue to Columbia Road in Adams Morgan. This project is the result of several years of planning, preliminary engineering, and public outreach focused on pedestrian, transportation, and landscaping improvements. The goal of the project is to provide transportation, pedestrian, and bicycle safety improvements as well as streetscape enhancements to the 18th Street corridor in the Adams Morgan neighborhood while minimizing impacts to local residents and businesses along the corridor.
Scope of Work:
- 14-16ft wide exposed aggregate sidewalks
- Full reconstruction of the roadway
- Granite curb and brick gutter
- Washington Globe Lighting / Teardrop Lighting to be used at all intersections
- 12-14ft through lanes, 10ft turning lane
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant ramps and crosswalks
- Sharrows (shared lane pavement markings) for bicycles
- Bump outs at the intersections for safer pedestrian crosswalks
- Drop off zone in front of school
- Parallel parking, including motorcycles
- Streetscape items- mature trees approved by UFA, ornamental tree fences
- 71 Bicycle racks
- Utility upgrades including PEPCO, DC Water, and Gas
Florida Avenue / U Street / Vernon Street Intersection Improvements
- Cross walk improvements
- Right turn / pedestrian island
- Signal timing improvements
Pedestrian signal