Project | Address/Area | State | City | Zip Code | End Date | ||||||||||||||
Frederick Douglass Bridge | 1 Potomac Avenue, SE | DC | Washington | 20003 | TBD | ||||||||||||||
9th Street Bridge | New York Avenue and Amtrak & CSXT rail facilities | DC | Washington | 20002 | Spring 2011 | ||||||||||||||
14th Street Bridge | Over the Potomac River NW | DC | Washington | 20024 | Oct 2011 | ||||||||||||||
Eleventh Street Bridge | Between 11th Street, SE and Barney Circle | DC | Washington | 20032 | Mid-2015 | ||||||||||||||
Adams Morgan Streetscape Project | 18th Street NW | DC | Washington | 20009 | May 2012 | ||||||||||||||
Chain Bridge Construction | Chain Bridge | DC | Washington | 20016 | May 2011 | ||||||||||||||
Sixteenth Street Bridge | 16th St NW at Missouri Avenue and Military Road | DC | Washington | 20011 | Feb 2011 | ||||||||||||||
H Street/Benning Road DC Street Car | H Street, NE | DC | Washington | 20002 | Fall 2013 | ||||||||||||||
Otay Mesa East | U.S.-Mexico international border | CA | San Diego | 92154 | December 2015 | ||||||||||||||
Honolulu Rail Transit | From East Kapolei to Ala Moana Center | HI | Oahu | 2019 | |||||||||||||||